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samedi 23 août 2014

Tourist places in Brussels

There are a lot of tourist attractions in Brussels. Brussels is the capital of Belgium and the European Union, which provides a lot of beautiful places, and historical sites. European countries are among the Brussels tourist attractions that should not be missed. Characterized Brussels civilization. There is the greatness of the old European buildings that have become a symbol of the splendor of this city, along with modern skyscrapers with a wealth of contemporary architecture.

Brussels has grown since the 6th century. Originally conceived as a village in the plains of the River Senne. Brussels is now a distinguished place in the gardens, the city's most impressive in Europe. And can be accessed to this small town by all means of transport by land, sea or air.

Here the main tourist attractions in Brussels, including:
1. Grand Place

Grand Place is the Old Town Square, which is surrounded by high-rise buildings. Previously this place was a place for the execution of prisoners and has now turned into fascinating tourist sites, and is often used as a place of cultural festivals. There you can visit the three main buildings in the Grand Place, the city hall, the kings of the house, and commercial buildings. The place has been established as one of the great World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

2. Brussels Town Hall
Located in the Grand Palace to be at the reception of the old city hall tower with Gothic style. The building was built in 1400 by architect Yan Van Ruysbrueck. At the top of the tower there to build a statue of St. Michael. In addition to an attractive building with arched windows, and towers decorated with carvings.

3. Manneken Pace
Manneken Pace is a statue of a small boy being the process of directing for Paul. There are many myths about the existence of this statue. This little boy named Juliaanske, or Julian Little.

4. Hessel Park and the Atomium
Hessel Park, which is located in the west of Brussels, which is dedicated to recreation and leisure. In 1985 occurred Hadzh European Champions Cup with the Heysel stadium killed many of the onlookers. Modern has been redesigned after this incident and to re-label Roi Baudouin Stadium (King Baudouin Stadium).

Garden is considered one of the most prominent parks, which has an area of ​​102 meters (335 feet) high model of the atom made ​​of chrome and steel designed by Andre Waterkeyn. It was erected for the world exhibition in 1958, which symbolizes the "nuclear age" new. It is accurate depiction of the iron molecule that has been amplified to 165 billion times. It has nine areas of steel, which up to 18 meters in diameter connected by tupes, and all contain exhibits.

5. Minnie Europe
Miniature Europe, a mini-park, which is located in Bruparck at the foot of the Atomium in Brussels. Are represented nearly 80 cities and 350 buildings. Garden contains many business models which contain the (train, mills, and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Airbus, cable cars, etc.). Guide gives you details about all the effects. At the end of the visit, this place gives you an impression of the "Spirit of Europe" to give an overview of the interactive features of the European Union in the form of multimedia games.

Tourist sites in North America

America has many exciting destinations to visit, in addition to the presence of many tourist attractions such as the National Park which is famous for its glaciers, and the Grand Canyon in the state of Colorado, and the Florida peninsula, which has a comfortable climate and beautiful scenery. America is a good choice for tourism, including North America:

Here are the best tourist attractions in North America:
1. Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States

Cape Cod area is home to more than 100 beaches, beaches and is easy accessible through the major cities in the north-eastern regions of Canada and the United States. There are many places to stay because this area has about 20 000 rooms available for all types of travel budgets. You can enjoy all the features available, including camps, four star hotels. There are many sites to visit for free or paid fees. There is a fine foods such as fish spawning sandwich, potato chip. Of course, the region offers plenty of natural beauty and landscape that can be enjoyed.

2. Washington, United States of America
Washington is the perfect place to Iqbal visitors of all ages, including historical sites and government sites. You will be able to visit the Smithsonian museums, as well as the National Zoo. In addition there are many other attractions, and the city has many fine restaurants that can be selected.

3. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
The Niagara Falls, Ontario from the natural wonders of the world, is one of the most prime locations at affordable prices in Canada, especially between the months of October and early May There are many attractions in the Falls, including Maid of the Mist boat ride, and with a cable car ride up to the valley, and many museums, casinos, and hundreds of restaurants, and waterfalls.

4. Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
This Garden of the most adventurous places in Canada for lovers of the outdoors. Wild and scenic white water is also available, with the possibility of fried steaks, and horseback riding. You will be able to enjoy riding mountain bikes and also natural springs.

5. Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, USA

Is a wonderful garden overlooking the beautiful holiday area for families and those who love camping. There are several places for camping in the park, as well as many programs for children, such as Club volcano and the Junior Ranger program. It is an ideal way to learn about the history of the region and enjoy the picturesque scenery and activities offered by the park.

6. Walt Disney World, Florida, USA
Accept a lot of people on Walt Disney World, because a lot of distinguished entertainment activities appropriate for different ages and inexpensive.

7. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Whistler is a great place can be visited at any time of the year. He is famous for excellent skiing in the winter, but will be able to enjoy golf, mountain biking, kayaking during the summer. There are many hotels and villas for sale. Here you will be able to take a tour of some of the places that are used in the Winter Olympic Games in 2010.

8. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA
The Myrtle Beach area and the surrounding area for a long time as a favorite destination for families in North America. Contains many of the hotels, and will be able to enjoy free concerts with fireworks displays. There are other activities such as bowling and miniature golf, and you can enjoy less than a dollar in some places. And of course, the beach Etemta unparalleled views.

Travel to places honeymoon

You can enjoy your life Bosaad-day honeymoon in the most beautiful places of the world, including the best places to wander the beaches, candlelight dinner in the cozy restaurants. You should select carefully place until you enjoy every moment, in order to enjoy a special holiday you and your wife or your husband. Travel agencies have become specialized in organizing trips honeymoon more prevalent. Offer many choices for specialized beach lovers or lovers of the city.

The best honeymoon destinations
1. Caribbean
Caribbean is one of the first places proposed to spend their honeymoon. There are so many islands to choose from St. Barts, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands and St. Martin.

2. Las Vegas
You can relax on the private beaches, with various hotel accommodation, whether medium or luxury.

3. Greece
You can spend a honeymoon vacation in Greece with visiting museums and cultural centers and watch the paintings, sculptures and plays. The all islands Mykonos and Lesbos, which attracts thousands of couples.

4. Mexico
Cancun offers plenty of attractions for honeymooners. Especially those who are looking for luxury, to enjoy a honeymoon trip with the overall climate in Cancun tropical beaches lined by palm trees.

5. Paris
You can enjoy in Paris with gourmet kitchens, with the identification of History and Fine Arts, and the City of Paris has many tourist attractions.

6. Spain
The beautiful city of Barcelona is a city attractive atmosphere amazing honeymoon unforgettable. There is a culture, museums, art galleries before it reaches the vibrant nightclubs that line the streets of the city.

7. Canada
Vancouver and Toronto are popular tourist destinations because of the friendly people and trendy nightclubs.

8. Switzerland
Switzerland may not be the first destination for a honeymoon romantic, but you will find the place distinctive chains snow-capped mountains. You can choose from a range of different activities including skiing, hiking as well as to enjoy the nightlife in Geneva or Zurich with access to a selection of bars, nightclubs and spas.

After deep thinking about choosing the right place to spend a honeymoon vacation to relax and communicate with your partner. It can only be done in the area, but if I felt safe and relaxed commensurate with the needs and favorites.

The most beautiful beaches of Brazil

Brazil has a lot of stunning beaches. It is well known that Brazil has some of the best beaches as tourist attractions in the world. There are more than 2,000 beaches that stretch along the Brazilian coast and more than 1,000 islands that dot the Atlantic Ocean within the borders of the state. While there are many of them are overcrowded, and many of them are in it to maintain the environmental sanctuaries. Here is a list of the best beaches in Brazil:

Fernando de Noronha - Fernando de Noronha
Paradise Beach is the word most commonly used to describe the Fernando de Noronha Beach. Fernando de Noronha is one of the best beaches of the tourist attractions in Brazil. Archipelago, which extends for about 350 km from the northeast coast of Brazil. It's beautiful beaches on the small volcanic island. You can visit three areas attractive and mandatory there: Praia do Sancho, which are reached through the slit in the wall of stone; Baia dos Burkos (Bay of Pigs), and place of stunning beauty and great for swimming, and Atalaya, a swimming saltwater natural with marine life abundant.

Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco - Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco
It was voted on the shore of Porto de Galinhas as one of the best tourist attractions of the beaches in Brazil to eight times in a row by Brazilian travel magazine. The recommended Baattabaha destination for weekends. The beach is famous for the stunning coral, coastal waters and beaches of the bright, and PISCINAS naturais (Portuguese for "natural pools").

Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
You can enjoy panoramic views of Ipanema include Brazil with activities and celebrations and colorful culture and on a global level of elegance that focuses on the beach, which made it one of the most expensive places to live in Rio de Janeiro. It is interesting to note that the Ipanema means "bad water" in the ancient language Toby, but paradoxical place as one of the best beaches of the tourist attraction in Brazil and one of the most famous places in the world.

Beach Praia do Espelho, Bahia

This beach is a beautiful place to spend the day, with the possibility of monitoring changes in the sand and water. And you can retain in this beach very well, both the green forest surrounded by sand and water. There are turtles and other marine organisms is very common.

Gerakwakuara, Ciara - Jericoacoara, Ceará
This beach paradise is also a panoramic view of the picturesque, you can enjoy watching the amazing beauty, which is home to some of the best places to play kites. Throughout the year you see skiers and kite surfers. This place is great for relaxing located.

This information about the amazing beaches and attractive tourist attractions, if you want to spend your vacation on the beach, especially in Brazil.

The best places to visit in the United States

The United States of America of the most beautiful countries in the world, which travels with individuals from all countries in the world, whether to live or for tourism, and is a collection of the best cities in the world and the best tourist attractions varied, and in this article some of the best places to visit in the United States .

The best places to visit in the United States:

New York : and that includes a number of American icons, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and Times Square, and is the most populous city in America and the most popular, and also known as the "Big Apple", and is a New York City is the destination favorite for visitors, both domestic and international.

Los Angeles
: and where a large number of international celebrations, with light breezes in the faces of the Pacific and that make Los Angeles one of the best tourist destinations in the United States, and there are a number of famous beaches such as Malibu or Santa Monica, in addition to fun shopping at Rodeo Drive and take a tour in Beverly Hills.

Chicago : longtime Chicago called "second city", where occupies the second place after New York City, both in terms of size or population, and includes Chicago's best restaurants, and shopping venues, and museums, and recreational activities.

Washington, DC : the capital of the United States and Washington, DC, and which has many museums and memorials, making it one of the most visited cities in the United States, and especially for families and school groups.

Las Vegas: Most tourists go to Las Vegas, where they are a world-class shopping, and restaurants by the first class, and that makes this city a true oasis to enjoy, and is the top travel destination in the United States.

San Francisco : and you know this legendary city on San Francisco Bay to their neighborhoods, and the city of San Francisco is ideal for nature lovers, and is also a great starting point for many trips.

Hawaii : America and is the destination for the natural beauty of the beaches to the rich culture of the South Pacific in Hawaii, and is the ideal point of the United States if you are looking for real beauty.

Grand Canyon: a wonder of geology by the incredible and stretching more than 200 kilometers, the Grand Canyon carved by the Colorado River over thousands of years, and is located in Arizona's Grand Canyon, and is the first destination to visit in the southwestern United States, and is one of the most popular destinations of the national parks in the United States.

Florida : and includes beautiful beaches and tourist attractions such as the family-friendly Disney World, and Latin culture and also known as the "Sunshine State", and is one of the most popular places in the United States for the visitors.

New Orleans : is all about festivals, making it distinctly different, and is the destination among tourists from the United States and abroad, and has the Jazz Festival, and is one of the communities most respected in the world of jazz musicians.

Best sites and attractions in Lebanon

Lebanon is one of the most Arab countries prosperous in tourism, it enjoys a geographical distinctive in the Arab world and the stunning nature that combines the seas, plains, valleys and mountains, in addition to that it has great historical significance as it contains archaeological sites dating back to the ancient civilizations such as civilization, Romania and Islamic, Byzantine and other of civilizations, making tourism in Lebanon of the most important economic resources, many Arab and foreign tourists to spend their vacation destination and enjoy its beautiful and contain the effects of the addition to other tourist attractions such as resorts, hotels and commercial centers. Dear readers let us know the best tourist attractions in Lebanon through this list.

Best sites and attractions in Lebanon: -

1. Baalbek
: City of archaeological and historical Lebanese, located in the north of the Bekaa Valley, and away from the capital of Lebanon, 83 km from the north-east, a city historic archaeological, considered one of the most important tourist attractions in Lebanon and the Arab world, where he visited thousands of tourists from different countries the world to visit its historic ruins that date back to the empire Romania, where you find the Castle of Baalbek, which includes the most important temples Romania and especially columns built by the Romans, one of the most famous monuments in Baalbek, also has the effects of an Islamic dating back to the Umayyad era, there is a mosque and a shrine of Ms. Khawla girl of Imam Hussein, and find some Ottoman houses built in that era, and in addition to the importance of archaeological, historical, they evaluate the most important international festival is held where a Baalbek International Festival annual, which hosts the most important Arab celebrities and world to revive the concerts and musical, the city of Baalbek included in the list of World Heritage Sites in Lebanon of UNESCO.

2. Jeita Grotto is located in River Valley dog, and away from Perotti about 20 kilometers from the north, one of the most tourist attractions, which is keen on had all Saúj to Lebanon, they are nicknamed Jewel Lebanese tourism, is a cave containing cavities and coral narrow the structures formed by nature and leaked to the water limestone from the highlands of Lebanon, which consists of Mgartan, cave Supreme discovered in 1958 by a Lebanese engineer Ghassan Clinic and the cave second is lower, which was discovered in the thirties of the nineteenth century by the orientalist George William Thompson, based in the cave many events and concerts for months musicians in the world, and the cave is characterized by the ability of visitors to walk on foot through the tunnel with a length of 120 meters, it is considered a fun adventure can only be visited by tourists.

3 National Museum of Beirut: Is the museum official in Lebanon, located in the center of the capital Beirut, was established in 1942, the museum displays more than 1,300 artifacts and includes about 100,000 pieces in its vaults a collective return to the ages Romanian and Greek and Islamic, Mamluk and the Iron Age and the Bronze era before history.

4. cedar forests: are forests full of cedar trees of Lebanon, which follows the platoon pineal, and these trees are considered code official for Lebanon and the slogan flag of Lebanon, and is characterized by these trees as perennial live more than 3,000 years, and it has historical significance and religious, was built of timber Solomon's temple, and it was cut Phoenicians timber to build ships and temples, as it was inhabited by monks early Christians who were fleeing from Roman pagans, and built a lot of monasteries Khsana to the inability of the Romans to reach them, and is considered a tourist destination frequented by a lot of tourists in the winter of skiing, has been included in the list of sites World Heritage in 1998, as it now has become a nature reserve.

5. Lebanon Mountain Trail: is a path for walking long distances in Lebanon, stretching from Kobayat in the north to Marjayoun in the south, passing more than 75 Lebanese villages, and has a 11 guesthouse, and arenas in Hezron, and strong, and there are three breaks located in the protected Ehden the Shouf Cedar and Jba, as there is a camp site in Ain Dara, meant for tourists hiking and enjoy the beauty of Lebanon, with its mountains and natural scenery through rural villages, mountains and valleys through which the tourist route.

6. Beiteddine Palace: also called Palace of Prince Bashir, is located in the Chouf region of Mount Lebanon, date back to the end of the seventeenth century, where the transfer of Prince Bashir II headquarters of the authority of the monastery of the moon to the house of religion and built a palace, and later exiled to Istanbul became the palace and the seat of the Ottoman holders after them, and then became the seat of the President of the Republic of summer, is the palace of the most important tourist places frequented by tourists for its historical importance.

7 Faria: For lovers of snowboarding have to go directly to the village of Faraya Lebanon, which is located in the district of Kesrouan Mount Lebanon, it is site of tourist attraction frequented by foreign tourists and Arabs to enjoy its beautiful scenery and exercise hobby ski all types, and is characterized by the village to provide all the services and equipment necessary for expatriates to it, and is considered one of the most popular tourist resorts in Lebanon and abroad.

8 Photos: City of Ruins, dating back to the Phoenician civilization where Otha was one of the most important cities Alvinqah then, and includes large colonies and importance, as it includes purple dye known as Tyrian, it also includes many archaeological sites dating back mostly to the Roman era , such as the location in which we find bass included a large underpinning racing horses and wagons, in the second and sixth centuries AD, it also includes a number of columns and mosaics, and the advantage that the tourist beaches frequented by foreign tourists and Arabs. The city was included in the list of World Heritage Sites in 1984.

9 Martyrs Square: Located in the center of the capital Beirut, the largest squares, may return call to the executions, which were carried out by the Ottoman governor for men patriots who became martyrs of Lebanon, has been renamed after the assassination of Prime Minister Hariri to become "Freedom Square" and often experiencing clusters huge demonstrators who were supporting the so-called Cedar Revolution, and frequented by many tourists for its historical significance.

10. Hamra Street: Located in the capital Beirut, one of the main streets where, it is the most vital region in Beirut, where includes many of the most popular malls, shopping centers and cafes in Lebanon, also includes many of the famous Lebanese theaters, and world-class hotels.


The Bahamas, officially the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, a country of the island consists of more than 700 islands, cays, and islets in the Atlantic Ocean. North of Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti). Northwest of the Turks and Caicos Islands. South-east of the United States of America and the State of Florida and the Florida Keys east. Capital Nassau on the island of New Providence. The name "Bahamas" can be referred to by any country or a series of large islands that share with the Turks and Caicos Islands. As stated in the Statement of Defence Force Royal Bahamas, including the territory of the Bahamas on a 470,000 km 2 (180,000 square miles) of ocean space.

Dwell in the Bahamas before the origin of the Lucayan, Bahamas was the first landfall on the site of Columbus in the New World in 1492. Although the Spaniards did not colonize the Bahamas. Ago, most of the islands in 1513 until 1648, when English colonists settled on the island of Bermuda Eleuthera.

In terms of gross domestic product, the Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the Americas (after the United States and Canada).

The Bahamas consists of 700 islands over an area of ​​more than 100,000 square miles of ocean to begin 50 miles off the coast of Florida. The archipelago is an oasis of environmental comprises 2,000 islands and picturesque cays, and includes the purest water on the planet with its extension, which is more than 200 feet. You can enjoy the picturesque scenery of the island with the clarity and purity, as you watch your toes easily from the water.
Bahamas enjoys Palmeach charming blue with soft sand T is unprecedented, in addition to the natural beauty that rises above sea level.

Geography and climate
The Bahamas is located between latitudes 20 degrees and 28 degrees north latitude and longitudes 72 ° and 80 ° W.

In 1864, the governor of the Bahamas reported that there are 29 islands and 661 cays, and 2,387 of the rocks in the colony.

The closest islands to the United States is Bimini, which is also known as the gateway to the Bahamas. Abaco Island located to the east of Grand Bahama. The largest of these islands, the island of Andros. Include other populated islands, Cat Island, Long Island, San Salvador Island, Acklins, Crooked Island, Exuma and Mayaguana. Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, which is located on the island of New Providence.

All the islands are low and flat, with hills rising to no more than 15 to 20 meters (49-66 feet). The highest point in the country is in the Mount Alvernia (formerly Como Hill) in Cat Island. They contain rising 63 meters (207 feet). To the south-east, located Turks and Caicos Islands, which is characterized by three features of the most extensive submarine.

Administrative Divisions
Areas of the Bahamas
Neighborhoods Bahamas provide a system of local government everywhere except New Providence (which holds 70% of the country's population), which are handled directly by the central government affairs. In 1996, the Bahamian Parliament passed on "Local Government Act" to facilitate the establishment of Family Island, in the areas of local government and members of the local council of the area. The overall objective of this law is to allow the various elected leaders to govern and oversee the affairs of the region without interference from the central government. In total, there are 38 districts, with elections held every five years. There are also one hundred and ten of the 281 members of the Council and Town Committee members to correspond with the various districts.
Each member of the committee members or advisers are responsible for the proper use of public funds for the maintenance and development of their constituencies.

Other areas of New Providence are:
Islands berries
Black dot, Exuma
Central Abaco
Central Andros
Central Eleuthera
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Twisted island
East Grand Bahama
Grand Cay, Abaco
Harbour Island, Eleuthera
Long Island
Mangrove Cay, Andros
Moore's Island, Abaco
North Abaco
North Andros
North Eleuthera
San Salvador
South Abaco
South Andros
South Eleuthera
Spanish Wells, Eleuthera
West Grand Bahama

One of the most prosperous countries in the West Indies, and the Bahamas relies on tourism in most economic activities. Tourism provides jobs for more than half the country's workforce. After tourism, the economic sector, working on financial services, which represents about 15 percent of GDP.

jeudi 21 août 2014

Places to dive in the Atlantic Ocean

Regardless of whether you choose to venture into the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific, or anywhere far, there are many places to dive in the world that can enjoy through which experiences a spectacular dive, regardless of whether you're a beginner or or an expert in the field of diving.

But the holiday offer places to dive in the Atlantic Ocean as one of the destinations that provide fun for both beginners or experienced in diving. Once it has completed the required training and instruction on the dive, you begin to fun underwater, which offers many possibilities for discovery and exploration, education, and adventure.

The best places to dive in the Atlantic Ocean
There are many places and sites devoted to the world of diving. Most of these places for the completion of the annual survey of the best places to dive. Always, what are the best places to choose for various reasons. Can malfunction categories ranging from geographic location and abundance of marine life or types of diving available.

In 2013, included the overall best places to dive in the Atlantic Ocean to: Mexico, Bonaire, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and the British, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Has received all of these privileges holiday destinations for diving over the years. They represent the best places to dive is not only in the Atlantic Ocean, but all over the world.

1. Mexico
Are often the inclusion of Mexico as a destination, including the main dive of the wonders of diving, such as: the great Maya Barrier Reef, and some of the most famous cenotes in the world. Maya the great Barrier Reef stretches along the coast of the eastern side of the Yucatan Peninsula across Belize to Honduras. Where it extends to more than two hundred kilometers long (320 km), the second largest barrier reef in the world.

There are cenotes, which can also be found along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula as a unique and distinctive in the world. They offer scuba divers, whether for recreation, arts, and there is a chance to explore the fish and plant life that can not be seen anywhere else.

2. Bonaire
Bonaire is often classified as one of the destinations for scuba diving vacation more enjoyable because of the island's continued commitment to the preservation of marine life. Island, located off the coast of Venezuela and to the east of the island of Curacao, which is a great location for landscapes beautiful underwater and water clarity clear and the sun. In addition, Bonaire has many divers who work in all types of diving experiences. Can explore the treasures of marine life in the island of Bonaire Marine Park.

3. Bahamas
The Bahamas is a group of islands from seven hundred to the north of Cuba and off the coast of Florida. Diving in the Bahamas is happening throughout the year, making this one of the islands most popular islands for diving holiday destinations. In Grand Bahama, for example, you can dive with the dolphins, and explore the east divider.

Knowing that the hurricane season is between June and November Divers must be aware of the weather systems and orbital conditions that affect the dive.

4. Cayman Islands British
Such as the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, the British also offer the possibility of diving all year round. Some of the most prominent of these experiments include diving Grand Cayman North City Stingray. In addition, the divers have the opportunity to explore the wreckage of a gull, and the United States Navy submarine ship.
Grand Cayman hosts annually to the Association's professional (PADI) Mahaddt immersion dive instructors. The Cayman Islands are located to the north-west of Jamaica and south of Cuba.

5. Turks and Caicos Islands

Located Turks and Caicos Islands to the south-east of the Bahamas and north of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They also provide expertise crisis diving all year round. Turks and Caicos Islands are unique with their coral reef systems, which extends for more than sixty-five miles across (105 km) long and two hundred miles (322 km). In addition, the Turks and Caicos Islands is one of the sites of the world, so you can see humpback whales in the water.

There are many wonderful places to enjoy diving in the Atlantic Ocean, and these are only a few of them.

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